Youth Arise

#Let's keep going!

Every Woman Deserves The Opportunity To Pursue And Achieve Their Dream

When there are no ceilings, the sky's the limit. So let's keep going—let's keep going until every one of the 3.9 almost 4 billion women and girls across the world has the opportunity she deserves to have.
--Hillary Clinton

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is defined as promoting women's sense of worth, their ability to make their own choices and their right to influence social change for themselves and others.
ocieties with greater gender equity experience faster economic growth, better outcomes for children, and more representative government institutions.
Women need to be empowered and prepared to take on the world.


Why is women empowerment important?

Empowering women is important to a nation’s development as well as that of the world at large. As women recognize their self- worth and work towards reaching their fullest potential, they become part of the productive workforce of a country. It also leads to the social development of families, communities and countries. One empowered girl can empower her entire family. That spark will affect other lives and cause an increase in economic growth.

Our Approach

We train women leaders,women entrepreneurs and generally encourage women to gain skill set to place them a step ahead of their peers

We believe in the power of a woman and encourage them to be unique and committed to a worthy cause.

let's keep going


As we train and prepare women to become beacons of light in their society, we need your help to organise training programs to enhance them with relevant skills needed for their development. With your contribution to GHC20 we can empower one extra woman each month.

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