Youth Arise

# let's grow healthy together

Together We can Make Communities Healthy Again

Regardless of politics, religion, ability to pay, and other variables, improving health of communities is not a choice for us; it's our very life.

Our Work In Health

Health is not just the absence of disease in one’s body but the state of being physically, mentally, emotionally sound. In our quest to help young people achieve their fullest potential, we embark on health projects to ensure that young people remain healthy. We focus on ensuring youth health by promoting mental and adolescent health  practices and preventing major causes of disease.

Our Work In Health

The Health Team works to improve the health and well-being of all people by inspiring individuals and communities to make meaningful contributions to the health of others.


Because we are community-driven, our strategic plan is highly oriented towards community-based projects, and the overall health and wellbeing of communities

Youth Health

Progress moves us forward without marginalizing efforts to disrupt responsibility toward a potential the compromising.

Long-term outlook

Our greatest focus is on the long-term organizational vitality of the health system that is serving the communities we take up, because we understand that there are going to be positive long-term benefits to the community

Focus on Education

School-based health education plays a critical role in mitigating the health risks that adolescents and students encounter.


High levels of wellbeing in young people would help them flourish in life, and serve as protective gear against the challenges that may arise in their lives. This is why we care about youth health.

let's Stand Healthy Together

Support Our Outreach Activities By a Donation

Youth workers, who are concerned about the health and well being of young people, strive to address issues of mental health while addressing other health issues.

We would deeply it if you could contribute $10 to help reach out to more young people. We believe a healthier body and mind is one that can be creative and identify solutions to the challenges of the world.

Our Approach

Health Outreach

This is an  initiative that aims to play a role in improving and extending the reach of healthcare through activities. Activities we undertake include; health talks, screening, donating, volunteering and counselling. We began health outreaches in 2021 and have successfully organized a pilot program in Ghana.

What is YAO doing in Mental Health

An area of health which is gaining traction is mental health. For a long time , people have shunned the topic due to superstitious beliefs, culture , fear of rejection or a sting in pride. But we all in one way or the other battle with our mental health. The mind is a powerful tool, it has the ability to make or break us hence issues surrounding mental health need to be treated with urgency. Our approach to mental health is to include in each of our events, a session dedicated to speaking about topics related to the mind . We also have trained counsellors who offer assistance and advice to young people. The health team also embarks on health outreaches and educates on mental health

How do you work with the community development team?

We partner with the community development department. The department targets a community that faces a health challenge and gives the health team relevant information. The Health team identifies how they can solve that challenge in the community. We offer free screening, educational talks and counselling to young people in communities. In communities with serious health issues. We seek help from higher health bodies or experts to address them.

let's Stand Together

Become A Health Volunteer

Do you have a passion for community health and wellbeing???

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